To Do
for Monday
Optional: "Ecological correlations and the behavior of individuals" (Robinson,
2009 )
Day 1
What is Multilevel Data? (ppt ) (airfare data)
What is a regression model? (handout )
(anno )
How do I estimate my model?
applet demo
Submit (in Canvas)
CP 1 (due Wed 8am)
Quiz 1 (due Wed 8am
Day 2
Basic regression model assumptions (arefare data)
Inference for regression models (pace of life data)
(Rmd )
(pdf )
(applet )
(ppt )
Submit (in Canvas)
CP 2 (due Fri 8am)
Quiz 2 (due Fri 8am)
illusion of predictability: How regression statistics mislead experts" (Soyer
& Hogarth )
Optional: "Another cautionary note about R2 : Its use in weighted least-squares analysis" (Willet & Singer )
Day 3
Week 1 Review (ppt )
Unequal variances (pdf ) (Rmd ) (squid data)
Submit (in Canvas)
"Quiz" 3 (due Wed 8am)
CP 3 (due Wed 8am)
Day 4
Submit (in Canvas
Quiz 4 (due Fri 7am)
CP 4 (due Fri 7am)
HW 2 (due midnight) (html )
Regressions are commonly misinterpreted," Hoaglin Links to an external site. (2016)
Day 5
Adjusted associations (pdf ) (ppt ) (salary data)
Intraclass correlation (Rmd ) (caffiene stimulants)
Submit (in Canvas)
Quiz 5 (due Wed 7am) CP 5 (due Wed 7am) (Rmd )
Day 6
More on adjusted associations (ppt )
Continue "finger tapping study" (pdf ) (Rmd ) (anno )
Fixed vs. Random effects (batting averages data)
Submit (in Canvas)
Quiz 6 (due Fri 7am) CP 6 (due Mon) (Rmd )
Project proposal (due Monday)
HW 3 (due midnight) (html )
First project proposal due Monday
Optional:"Repeated Measures ANOVA, R.I.P.?" (McCullough )
Day 7 - Random Intercept Models (Ch. 4)
Day 8: - Adding Level 1 and Level 2 variables
Optional: cross validation example of fixed vs. random effects models
Day 9 - Diagnostics (Ch. 10), Review
handout (pdf ) (Rmd ) (ppt ) (beach data)
To Do
Review Q&A discussion board
Sample question discussion board
Midterm Exam
Optional: To see some applications of multilevel models, read this article Links to an external site. and/or this article Links to an external site. .
Day 10 - Interactions
Day 11 - Random slopes (5.1)
Optional: "nflWAR: A Reproducible Method for Offensive Player Evaluation in Football" Actio pdf
Optional: "Impact of Exercise Intensity and Sex on Endogenous Ghrelin Levels and Appetite in Healthy Humans" (link Links to an external site. ), Nov. 2024
Day 12 - Multiple random slopes
Day 13 - Introduction to logistic regression
No Class Meeting
Day 15 - Multilevel logistic regression models
Day 16 - Longitudinal models (Ch. 15)
Recap multilevel logistic regression (Ch. 17) Recap cross-classified models/imperfect hierarchies (Ch. 13) Extend longitudinal models (Ch. 15)
To Do
Day 17 - Longitudinal models cont
Correlation structures with longitudinal data
To Do
Optiona:: "Fixed and random effects models: Making an informed choice" (2019) (pdf Links to an external site. ) Optional: "Revisiting fixed- and random-effects models: Some considerations for policy-relevant education research " (2013) (pdf )
Day 18: Guest presentations
Day 20: Project presentation
Final Exam review handout